I can't believe my little boy is already 2 months old!! Where does the time go? I have enjoyed every minute with him, and now that I'm back at work, my time with him is even more precious! Brandon is amazingly helpful and does pretty much everything around the house so I can just sit and hold him after work.
He's so cute!!!
I just want to kiss those chubby cheeks and lips all day! |
He weighs 12 lbs. 4 oz. and is 23.5" long! This month he has learned how to smile and talk! Of course, he's just making little noises but it's cute to see him get excited and try to communicate.
I absolutely love this pic! Can see the light in his eyes!? |
He's been doing great at church, and likes to dress like daddy! ;) I don't think I've been able to make it through sacrament one time, but he's such a good baby and normally sleeps through Primary. My weekends are very special to me since I don't normally get to spend time with him during the day, so I tote him down to Primary with my handy-dandy moby wrap!
Do you see any resemblance? |
Right now, he's absolutely loving his bouncy seat! It vibrates and plays music and comes is very helpful when I'm trying to get ready for work or church! However, he absolutely hates his car seat (see pic below)! *sigh* It's very difficult to go anywhere with him unless he is in a deep sleep because when he realizes that he can't stretch, he has a meltdown! Talk about stress me out (only because I hate when he cries)!
Anyway, we're loving life with our super cute dude and look forward to his new developments! :)
Trying out the new Moby wrap! |
Quite an inquisitive look :) |
Sunday before church |
Love the pics. He has changed so much since I saw him last for the reunion. Love the lips and cheeks to! Can't wait to see him this weekend for his blessing.
He's such a cute boy! I can't believe he is 2 months, so I believe you when you say you can't either! Those cheeks are the best...kiss away!
P.S. I think he resembles B most when he's pouting in his car seat haha;)
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