While most people were headed to the beach for Spring Break, Brandon and I were headed to the snowy slopes of Utah! Trendsic (the company I work for) gave us this awesome opportunity! (They paid for everything!) We flew out to Utah Thursday night and arrived in Salt Lake at 11:30pm. The rental house was an hour away in Heber City. You have no idea what it took to get out their alive! Thanks to Brandon's awesome driving skills, we made it in one piece. :) As you can see, we were super tired by the time we got in! Everyone was asleep except for Jelani (of course).

It was a sweet house. Here's the view from the back porch.
Friday morning, Jamie, Holly, Joe, and I took turns helping Kaliey and Allison build snowman. It turned out really cute! As you can see, it has Reese's eyes, a Cheeto nose, a Twizzler mouth and pig tails, of course! :)

Later that evening we went snow tubing. :) Brandon, Jelani, Jillian, Zack, Josh, and I had races and of course the girls won every time, although Brandon denies it. :) This pic is after we were done.

On Saturday, we all headed to Park City for skiing and snow boarding. Skiers included: Joel, Holly, Jared, Joe, Jamie, and Josh. The snowboarders were Brandon, Jelani, Zack, Jillian, and I.

Joel, Jared, Zack, Brandon, Jelani, and I went half way up the mountain to go down the "Home Run" slope.

Brandon in all his glory :) He did pretty awesome with it, especially because it was his 1st time and he didn't have lessons. He did have one really bad fall, but luckily he was ok. We went and got some hot chocolate.

Joel and Jared were extremely good at skiing. They didn't realize they'd have to wait on all us snowboarders every 5 mins :)

This is my brother Jared, who lives in UT. We were really glad he and his family could come hang out with us the whole trip!

It was Jelani's 1st time snowboarding and he turned out to be really good at it. Of course, he had his fair share of falls and actually went off the side of the mountain one time, but he did awesome.
We have lots of fun. Check out
Holly, or
Jamie's blog for more pics!