Yesterday, I was on my way home from work at about 3:30pm. I was cruising at about 55mph and singing along to some Damien Rice...one my favorite singers. I was approaching a red light when a truck driving the opposite way tried to turn left across my lane. I slammed on my brakes but i started sliding (the roads were wet from a recent down-pour).
I came within an inch of hitting his truck but was able to avoid it (don't ask me how). When I took my focus off his truck, I realized that Iwas skidding into the other lane with tons of cars... So I swerved back, which spun my car 180 degrees and I went sliding sideways into a deep ditch.
Before I could even get my seatbelt unfastened, there were about 4 or 5 men running to my car to help get me out. They were all so nice! They helped me get out through the passenger side and called the police for me. One man was even nice enough to stay with me all the way through the entire incident! And one chased down the truck that cut me off. :) I love living in the South! Nowhere else will you find a nicer people. :)
Anyway, I am just fine, but my car is not so much... I ended up hitting a metal culvert with the backend of my jeep. So we'll see what the damages will be. The only downside is that the guy driving the truck may not have to pay for the damages to my car because I didn't make contact with his vehicle. :( That's a bummer that because I was able to avoid other vehicles, I may be left to pick up the bill....
But on the positive side, I'm grateful that it wasn't worse than it was and that so many people rushed to my rescue! And while the rain helped cause the accident, it also helped cushion my crash into the saturated ditch... Thank heavens!