The other day we went swimming at a neighbor's house. They told us that their dogs love to go swimming, so we decided to see if Blaze and Boudreaux (Mr. Brette's pup) would like it. Here are some pics and you can see for yourself. 8)

Boudreaux loved floating on the raft...But that may have been b/c he was afraid of the neighbor's weeny dogs. 8)

Blaze wasn't a huge fan of the water, but he was just fine if I was holding him.

Garrett and his Best Friend!
Your blog is so cute! We're just in town until tomorrow night. I'm still bummed that I couldn't stay longer - but we had to get back to work :(
Your blog is so cute! We're just in town until tomorrow night. I'm still bummed that I couldn't stay longer - but we had to get back to work :(
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