We woke up at about 9am, exchanged gifts, threw on some clothes, and headed to a cute little cafe called "The Coffee Shop" located in the "Cajun Village." It is surrounded by multiple old timey shops. It's a really cute area and definitely recommend it to everyone. Anyway, here's a pic of the inside of the cafe.
Brandon and I love their beignets, so I got the beignet fingers and he got the regular ones.

There's also a little path you can walk down where they have 2 alligators named "Nubbie" and "Big Guy." As we were walking up, a 2 year old little boy immediated shushed us as he turned and pointed to a big alligator only a few feet away. It was cute. We determined that that one had to be "Nubbie" because we walked a little farther and saw an even bigger one. Fun, fun. It was pretty muddy back where we were so Brandon picked me up and carried me through it all. He's so sweet!

The rain had ruined our plans for the day (swamp tour and picnic at the LSU lakes) so after feeding all our little farm animals, we went to the movies and had lunch at Texas Roadhouse. It was all really good. I love being able to have a relaxing day of simplicity with Brandon. It's the best.
Next we headed out to a multi-stake youth dance. Yeeeaaahhh baby! :) I don't remember the dances lasting that long when I was in the youth program...but we had fun. Brandon and I made a bet that one of us (if not both) would get asked to dance because we look so young. Well guess what! I got asked to dance! Lol. I was even standing in a group with 3 other adults! Well, the guy who asked me was actually a person I knew as a little boy while I lived in Lake Charles! Of course he didn't remember me, but I remembered him. I quickly informed him that we once went to the same ward and that I was friends with his older sister. Of course the other chaperones from Gonzales (even the Bishop's wife) picked at me the rest of the night. :) My favorite part of the whole day though, was getting to dance with Brandon (several times). It's not often that we get to, so I definitely love it when we do!
Although it rained and ruined my outdoorsy plan, I had an amazing day hanging out with my best friend! I love you, sweet.......heart ;)