I figured it would be a good time to update everyone on how all our lil' critters are doing since "Winter 'O Death" is pretty much gone. :) Yay! Everything is starting to get really green and pretty again.
Sweet Pea is doing great! She is absolutely loving the nice green grass that's been growing. Pretty soon we'll be getting her a "play mate" so that she doesn't have to be alone. It's going to be a boy so we might have some babies in the future!!!

The chickens are having fun. Brandon has been letting them out lately and they are lovin' it! It's pretty cute how they stick together, and when they've had enough, they just mosey on back to their pen. :) We've had an unfortunate set of events which has left us with only 2 hens and our rooster. We've got 4 more on the way though.

All the pups are doing good too. Max is getting really big! He has really turned out to be a great dog! He's got a great temperament and listens very, very well.

Brandon's really been trying to work with Snow. He's got some "issues." His last owner didn't do such a great job raising him so we're trying to teach him a few things. He seems to be getting better... slowly, but surely.

And Coda, Lauren's dog, is doing great too! He listens really well also. He and Max get along really well!

And of course, Toola is lovin' life. He's got 2 little kitties to pick on and chase, so he's happy as can be. You can tell by the pic below that he waches their every move! However the little sucker has been getting into the trash lately... like knocks the whole thing over and digs through it... If anyone has any suggestions on how to "cure" him of this bad habit,
please let me know!

The kittens are wonderful. They're growing, but not too much! :) (I wish they could stay little forever.) Anyway, they have their own cute personalities. Clyde is the "social butterfly." He
loves to be loved on. But he can be a turkey sometimes. If he wants my attention or is feelin' kinda crazy, he will literally climb up my leg! And it hurts! He always catches me off guard too... Bonnie on the other hand, isn't quite as social. Every now and then she'll come love on us, but not as often as Clyde. Brandon is their favorite. Anytime he's on the couch, they'll both go take naps next to/on him. Quite precious. :)
This is a pic of Kailey and Clyde. She told me later that they were "best friends!" :)

Oh, and I almost forgot! Brandon made a new home for our quail! He built it so they could be on the ground rather that having to walk on chicken wire... and its a lot bigger too. They've been making all kinds of "happy sounds" since we moved them.
. You're welcome to come visit us anytime!
I'm glad that y'all made it through the winter and things are looking up. I laughed out loud at the part about Kailey's "best friend," too cute. I love the picture of Blaze looking down at the kitties. I'll bet he has a good time with them.
Amilyn, this is adorable! I never took you for a farm girl....who knew?
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