Whew! Were does the time go?! Brayden is already 5 months old. It might be the "Mommy Goggles," but he just gets cuter and cuter! Haha!
We didn't have a check-up this month, so I'll have to weigh and measure him at home. No stats yet... I know you were just dying to know! ;)
Some of his favorite things include playing on his play mat, chewing on his fingers, talking, giggling, being outside, letting Blaze lick his hand, and watching the fish tank.
Some of his least favorite things include the dark (I have to put the light on in the back if we're riding in the car at night) and rice cereal! :)
Brayden is such a joy to Brandon and I and it's hard to imagine what life was like before he got here.
Brayden's puppy dog hat... I love this pic |
Mommy and Brayden |
Have you noticed that he likes his fingers? |
Chilling in our bumbo seat |
Letting the bumbo do all the work for us! |