Christmas Day was just wonderful! Santa came to visit the night before so we got up and opened presents together before church. Santa brought Brayden a walker this year along with some cool clothes! Mom and Dad got him some other toys and clothes! Here are a few pics from the fun!
Helping momma unwrap gifts! |
Gonna put these to the test! |
Checking out some of his new clothes |
Likes his guitar one the best, I think... |
A fun ball that lights up, rolls and plays music |
Brayden's idea... helps you find your lost keys! |
My gorgeous blue topaz ring! Love it!! |
My beautiful new jewelry box! |
Some new lights for my car! :) I forget what they're called but Brandon worked overtime to get them installed for me! Thanks babe! |
Brandon got a new hunting rifle for Christmas so he was pretty stoked about this scope!
My parents and I went in together to get it. :) |
Was this a selfish gift? :) |
He likes tools and gadgets... He's a handy man :) |
Christmas tie! |
After we finished gifts, we had to hurry and get ready for church! It was combined with Gonzales 1st Ward... at 9am! Certainly not used to 9am anymore! Church was great! We got to listen to a beautiful Christmas Cantata and then we heard from Bishop Shane Richardson. We just met 1st hour, so we returned home and went to MawMaw Richardson's for lunch.
My two favorite men in the world! |
Next, we headed over to Woman's Hospital! Joel and his wife, Holly had their baby boy Christmas Eve, so we wanted to go meet him. His name is Kai Benjamin Bonnette and he's super cute. This is the only pic I could find of him. He's a really good baby and I got to hold him for about 30 mins! :) Joel and Holly we eating lunch (I guess we timed it perfectly!).
Next we went to Brandon's Aunt Melissa's house. Brandon's dad's family was getting together and they've never met Brayden before, so we thought we'd swing by. They were super surprised and were so excited to see us! We really had a lot of fun visiting and catching up.
MawMaw Tingle! Brayden's great grandma! |
Whew! This was a long post, but I just want to say how grateful I am for the Christmas season! I'm grateful for the time of year where we slow down and think of the birth of our Savior for an entire month! I'm so grateful for a Father in Heaven who loved me enough to send his Son, who then gave his life so that I may one day return to live with Him again. I'm grateful for their love and the hope that the Savior's sacrifice brings! We love Christmas and can't wait for next year!
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