It was a much needed vacation, especially for Brandon, who worked his little tush off in the weeks leading up to and after Hurricane Gustav.

Brandon had lots of time to relax!

And when he wasn't relaxing... he was relaxing! 8) Oh yeah. He's in there!

It was great being able to spend time with friends and family! This is Holly, Kailey, and Eli all working together to build a sand castle.

This is "KK" showing me pieces of the sand dollar that we found! She's so cute!

Here's Brandon and Brandon! We met Brandon and Jennie Kern for the 1st time on this trip. They were super cool. All Brandon and Brandon talked about was how Brandon T. does MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). Boys will be boys. 8)

At night, Brandon, Sarah, Ryan, and I all went crabbin'! I had to hold the bucket :* And it got pretty scarey towards the end of the night. The bucket got very full and they were all trying real hard to get out!

Ryan and Sarah caught a really big one, but his little arm fell off! 8( It was real sad and I felt pretty bad about it...

And then we had to pose with the huge crabs we caught... well, they caught... The one Brandon's holding is a blue crab. He was a mean little sucker!

I got the one with one claw! HA.

And Brandon is holding a flashlight...not a budlight. 8)

It was a great trip! Thanks again to the Wilcox's and Joel & Holly for the invite!
lol, that flaslight does look like a beer bottle. I'm glad that y'all came, we had a fun time!!
We had a blast! I'm so glad we went!
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