So this past Saturday, I went to Helen's bridal shower, which was lots of fun and Brandon went and worked with his Paw Paw. He and his Paw Paw still weren't back by the time I got done with the shower so I decided to take a nap. :) Yay!
All of a sudden, I here the front door swing open and Brandon comes flying into the house. He runs into the bedroom (scaring me half to death) and grabs his 22 rifle. He doesn't say a word to me and just runs back outside... Well, of course I was very curious as to what he was doing so I jumped out of bed and ran to the front door. When I got outside, I saw him walking out of the chicken pen with a dead red-tail hawk...
Come to find out, Brandon got home from working with his Paw Paw and decided to go check on our chickens. He heard them squawking a bit. Nothing more than usual though. However, when he got around the fence, he saw a huge hawk jumping up and down on one of our chickens, trying to kill it with it's talons. Brandon went into "protection mode" and ran into the pen with nothing other than his fists! Luckily as he went in, he saw a 2 x 4 and grabbed it. He went into the chicken coop and knocked the hawk out cold... or so he thought! He ran inside, grabbed his gun, and when he got back outside, the stupid hawk was at it again! Brandon couldn't believe it! He went inside the coop again and waited for the hawk to turn around and look him in his eye (he said). The hawk reared back with his talons sticking out toward Brandon and Brandon shot him in the noggin. Like, 7 times. He was furious. Unfortunately, we lost our biggest and best laying chicken before Brandon got home. Some of the other chickens were hurt in the fight, but fortunately they are all doing great.
I feel kinda bad for the chicken hawk. He was a beautiful bird only doing what was natural for him. But we have to protect our little farm animals. Thank heavens for a manly-man like Brandon!
That's a crazy story! If you've never read The Pioneer Woman (thepioneerwoman.com), you should check it out. I think you'll be able to relate to her stories. Her site has her blog (confessions) and some other stuff like recipes, etc. It's pretty cool.
That's freakin' awesome. I could totally Brandon takin' on that hawk. I miss Brandon. Luckily we have JJ as our manly man now, in the house!
That is the funniest story...what a guy. We just had Jared and Keri over at my parent's house for dinner and they gave me your blog. I don't know if you remember the McVea's, but I am one of them. We knew your family in Louisiana. It's fun to see you and your husband!
Oh goodness! Of course I remember you! It's great to hear from you! I had no idea that Jared and Keri live by y'all... It's a small world. :) Your Christmas card templates are beautiful, by the way! Definitely keep in touch!
Amilyn, that is just a crazy story. I was so sad to hear that one of your chickens is gone. I'm glad that Brandon made it home in time to rescue the others. The way you described him go after the chicken hawk made me laugh, even though it was a sad story.
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