Ok. So it snowed. In southern Louisiana. And it snowed a lot! Enough said. :)
This is what I saw when I opened the front door this morning!

Max playing in the snow. He soon realized that it was extremely cold and wet and headed back inside.

It was a bit more than an inch of snow, as you can see.


Brandon, Snow [the yellow lab], and Pete.

Hey! Is this Amilyn from the Lake Charles ward (a few years ago)!?! I found you from a comment you left on Lynetta's blog. Congrats on your wedding and new life.
I was seriously thinking about your mom the other day. I just loved her! She was one of the BEST visiting teachers I ever had. Please tell her hello! How is Mavanie doing? She was always a GREAT babysitter!
Crazy! Snow in Louisiana. I understand that my dad did a 360 in the middle of the interstate from hitting a spot in the road and it took him for a spin. I can imagine how wild it was with Louisiana folks not knowing how to drive in the snow.
Oh, it was certainly CRAZY! On the news, it said that there had be 17 major wrecks before 7am! LA people definintely don't know who to drive in!
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