This Thanksgiving we decided that everyone would come out to our house. We live out in the country which was good for all the kids to play outside. We had 4-wheelers to ride, guns and paintball guns to shoot, animals to play with and a big tree that came down during Gustav to climb on. We had so much fun, as you will see. :)

Momma and two of her grandbabies, Kaliey "KK" and Eli "Lil' Joel"

Brandon & Boogie playing some baseball. Boogie may look small, but he sure has an arm on him!

Daniel and Max

Mom sneakin' into the pic! Gotta watch out for her! ;)

Me & Brandon!

Brandon & Daniel on the Racing 4-wheeler. This thing will get up to 80 mph! And Brandon wasn't holding back even though he had our nephews on it!!! Lil' sucker!

Mavanie and Boogie kickin' it on the 4-Wheeler!
She got really good at driving it and rode all the kids on it. Thanks Maver!

Max apparently wasn't having as much fun and wanted to go inside.

Me & Wendy taking a ride! I took her back into the pastures. We hit a few bumps here and there and she almost slid right off once, but overall we had lots of fun! :)

Left to Right: Jenna Bluth, Kaitlyn Richardson, Madalyn Cummings, and Bryn Bluth
Our "girly girls" climbing on the tree.

Daniel learning how to ride the 4-wheeler by himself! Yikes!

Davin got really good at riding. Momma had to yell at him to slow down a few times. But he had a blast!

Dallin showing off some of his paintballin' skills. I do have to say, he's a good shot!

Wendy showing Dallin how it's really done :)

Byron and Madalyn taking a ride!

I know. Shocker, right!?
Dad actually ended up having lots of fun shooting his new AR-15.

Joel showing Pops how the "big boys" roll
Just so you know, they were shooting at a target, not little animals. :)

Dallin taking his sis for a spin!

Mavers and Madalyn getting back from riding in the woods.

Brandon loaded up all the boys and took 'em for a ride. They had a blast! Brandon was the official tour guide for the entire day. He had lots of fun.

Madalyn, Brandon, and Boogie.
KK was playing Marilyn Monroe :) (She was standing over one of the vents in the floor.) Too cute!