So, Brandon wanted me to do my annual Springtime update for the McTingle Farm. We've had our ups and downs. But we've definitely grown quite a bit since last year.
We recently acquired some bunny rabbits. We originally we only going to get 2 from Rhonda Dickey. However, I sent Brandon and Mike to pick them up. BIG mistake. He came home with 4 rabbits AND a duck. But she also sent us home with a nice little setup for the rabbits, so it turned out pretty well. The bunnies are super sweet. :) Below is a picture of the big male rabbit. I think he's the prettiest of them all.

This is the beautiful female Mallard duck we got from Rhonda. She thinks she's a chicken.

Slick Willy is just as crazy as ever. However, we have him on a tether so he can't jump on my car or climb on top of the shed roof anymore... the crazy knucklehead thinks he's a mountain goat.

Cute little baby goat and her momma, Maggie. Brandon wants to name her Annie. I think it suits her! She looks just like her daddy!

Every year we have blackberries that grow out in the yard. They're pretty yummy and the goats love 'em!

These little guys are Broad-breasted Common Turkeys. Once they reach adulthood, they can get up to 55lbs! They'll be so fat that they literally won't be able to walk anymore. They're actually on the menu for Thanksgiving this year :) And no, I refuse to name them for that reason!

Lots of our new adolescent chicks with little the baby goat... They're pecking at a mineral block that we got for Maggie while she was pregnant.

Our big rooster and his favorite hen taking a nap...

These are some new baby chicks. They will grow up to lay green eggs :) Super cute little babies!

An last but not least! The newest additions to the family are some baby parakeets. My nephew, Dallin, gave us a parakeet last year. His name was Sammy. Brandon decided shortly thereafter that Sammy needed a friend... Well, a girlfriend, to be more specific. Needless to say, Sammy fell in love with his girlfriend. He would ruffle his feathers, give her soft pecks on the beak, and even feed her! Well, his wooing worked and the two love birds got married and had babies! 3 to be exact. They look kinda gross now, but they'll grow up to be very cute! Can't wait for that! We'll be selling them too! So if anyone wants a hand-raised parakeet, let me know now that way I can keep it on hold for you! They're only $20!
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